Thursday, March 4, 2010

Now Booking for Calgary Landscaping Construction Season, 2010

We are accepting calls for your outdoor construction projects, for the 2010 landscaping season. We are booking fast, so please don’t hesitate to call us right away and get yourself into the queue.

We will provide you a ‘full’ yard project or we can look after your hardscape projects only, so you can look after the soft stuff yourself. feel free to call with any questions you may have!

Call or email


We will talk to you soon!

LANTA Award winner…

we submitted 1 project for consideration for LANTA’s awards this year. We were given an award of excellence for the project, we scored the highest of all the projects submitted, and are nominated to compete in the 2011 National Awards through the CNLA. We are super excited!

The notes from the judges were as follows…

  • The overall design is beautiful
  • The deck compliments the overall landscape
  • What a change from the original ‘non-landscape’
  • The aspen grove is a nice touch of Alberta
  • Hardscape Excellent
  • Choice of plant material excellent
  • Very well done, good attention to detail
  • Good creativity and continuity
  • Great design element, shows creativity
  • Great craftsmanship
  • Very functional

Thank you judges, thank you very much!

LeeDavid, Cranston Project 101LeeDavid, Cranston Project 102 LeeDavid, Cranston Project 107   LeeDavid, Cranston Project 103 LeeDavid, Cranston Project 106

2009 Calgary Landscaping Season Highlights, LeeDavid Landscapes Inc.

We are revamping the website and haven’t posted any of out 2009 projects. Here is a sneak peek at what you will see on the web soon…

IMG_4471IMG_4501 IMG_4557


And here are some more…

IMG_4251 IMG_2572IMG_2564IMG_1478 IMG_1479 IMG_1504 IMG_1518   IMG_5546IMG_7604 IMG_7605CIMG6018CIMG6052 CIMG6054 DSCF0008 DSCF0009 DSCF0012a DSCF0284 DSCF0288 IMG_5104 IMG_5119   IMG_7453 IMG_7470 IMG_5208  IMG_5207