Monday, May 26, 2008

Bel-Aire, Finished product

Here is the finished project including a couple of before pictures. This Rain has been absolutely perfect for the timing of the yard. All the trees, shrubs and grass are watered in and will be amazing for many years to come!

Congratulation to our client in Bel-Aire, You had an amazing vision and now you have an amazing yard. Thank you for letting us construct such a beautiful project for you!

Products and Suppliers on this project include:

- Allanblock retaining wall and Courtyard wall by CCI Industries
- Roman Smooth Tile, Double Holland and Holland pavers by Expocrete
- Trees, Shrubs and Perennials by Eagle Lake Nurseries
- Grass by Eagle Lake Turf Farms
- Cedar by the Cedar Shop
- Lighting by Kichler Outdoor Lighting
- Irrigation supplies by Regency Irrigation
- Concrete Coring and Removal by Hancor
- Tunnel under Driveway by Tunnel and Trench
- Porta-potty by Alberta Porta-podi
- Truck Hauling by DIB Trucking
- Earth Materials, Mulch, Soil, Gravel, Sand by Burnco
- Fertilization by Myke
- Tree Pruning and Removals by Adair Tree Care
- Ground preservation and runoff control by AGES
- Coffee by Tims, Thanks Brenda!

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